Thursday, July 26, 2007

Motus - Seb Martel

Lyrics of Motus as translated by Google Translate:

hold to them your words well
release to them your words well
the words bite, the words kill
you seek them your words
it lose the words
in a dead end

I gum them your words
I digest them bastard
I chew them, your believed words
but they aggravate me these words
traquacent it to me too is
I erase them they ebb

open to see what it leaves

they are connected the words
the words break out
declad themselves, diffuse themselves
in message words
I you grapeshot of textos
blue words of word crudes

of through too
end the wordthe word shocks, small frustrates
open to see what it leaves there
they bersent me your words
upset it to me is beautiful
they charm us but they wear
buckle it and then sleeps