Monday, October 16, 2006

The Ardis Snoop: Front Page, April 29, 1930

The sisters Davies were toodling about the streets of Ardis yesterday when a little April shower rolled into town. An accompanying gust of wind blew out a picket from a collapsed fence (ours). The picket landed in the roadway right in front of the sisters' new Packard. They could not avoid driving over it, and a nail in the picket flatulated their rear tire.

The sisters walked half a block in the rain to the new discount automobile repair shop, Barry Risski Square Deal. Mr. Risski is new in town. Regular readers of The Ardis Snoop may recall the half-page advertizement he ran last week to announce the grand opening of his enterprize.

Mr. Risski advised the sisters Davies that he specializes in repairing Studebakers but in view of the weather and the fact that the sisters were his first customer, he would do his best.

The sisters went next door to Jess D'Zerts Cafe* to sip tea, nibble petit fours, and await the remobilization of their Packard. It was three long hours before Lil Risski, whose errand-running talents cannot be faulted for the delay, popped into the cafe to advise Miss Olive and Miss Desdemona that her father had completed the repairs.

The sisters Davies returned to Barry Risski Square Deal only to find that the repairs were quite unsatisfactory. According to Miss Olive, the shape of the new tire is all wrong. Miss Desdemona added that the new tire lacks a white sidewall and therefore does not match the other tires. For these reasons they informed Mr. Risski that they would not pay the bill, whereupon he gesticulated in a threatening manner and ran to secure the door, locking the sisters Davies in the repair shop and vowing they would not be permitted to leave until they paid for his services.

Fortunately the sisters Davies, whose visual acuity is legendary in these parts, espied the open door of the vehicle bay and quickly escaped, to the great consternation of Mr. Risski. Moments later, the sisters sought refuge here at office of The Ardis Snoop.

"We've had a dreadful encounter with Mr. Risski!" Miss Desdemona exclaimed.

Miss Olive added, "His square deal rubbed me the wrong way!"

*Shameless, I know, but I had to put the sisters somewhere, didn't I?

(WordCount 4216-4220: davies escaped polish discount garage
4826-4828: collapsed fence ours
62339-62340: ardis snoop)