Monday, October 9, 2006

Chocolate-Panic Stewart

No one knew his real name. At group, he'd given only his initials, and in the end, it was probably a good thing.

A devotee of neither polyester nor cocktails, C.M., in his neverending quest to gouge another notch into his old brass bedstead, avoided the lounge venue entirely and became a chocolatier lizard instead. What better place to find young ladies with a proclivity for that which is sweet, smooth, and dark?

Only one, in his experience: the 12-step meetings of Cacao Beaners Anonymous, where all the ladies suffering from chocolate delirium tremens gravitated to his sweet, smooth, dark self. But his "needy chocoholic" act had quickly earned him the nickname Chocolate-Panic Stewart, and it didn't take long for his womanizing reputation to spread throughout Cacao Beaners Anonymous groups all over the city.

Thus the local chocolatier, while somewhat less satisfactory for C.M.'s purposes due to the availability of actual chocolate, was nevertheless a reliable source of fresh young ladies who hadn't yet come face-to-face with the spectre of their dark, creamy yearnings.

(WordCount 4203-4206: cm chocolate panic stewart)